8 better ways to protect your hands from the cold
And like clockwork, it's once again winter... That feeling of hot cocoa with oat milk, the overwhelmingly festive smell of the Christmas tree, and curling up in your bed. The holy trinity of Winter. While winter is great for all of its festivities, it has a dark side we all should be aware of... That dark side we speak of is dry hands. We all get it, and sorry friends. It's inevitable. After months of research, the team at The Hand Center at Crawford Plastic Surgery would like to make the winter a little bit more bearable this winter season for your hands and nails. Wearing Gloves This is a given, however, if you go outside, just how many people will you see actually wearing gloves? The reason you should start wearing gloves more often is to prevent joint discomfort and trapping the warmth. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize If you didn't know by now, we need to let you know that cold weather equals dry skin. The cold weather saps out moisture from your hands. T...