
Showing posts from August, 2020

Taking Care of Plants

  How To Protect Your Plants This Summer Every plant loves the sun. It’s what nourishes them, helps them grow and bloom and blossom into what they are meant to be. But too much of sunlight is hazardous. That’s because, just like people, plants can experience sunburn too. And, also just like it is for people, this is a pretty unpleasant experience for plants as well. But avoiding the sun during the hot Vancouver summer can seem next to impossible. It is constantly over our heads, draining energy and causing dehydration.  So, with the Summer sun at hand, it’s important to prepare the garden and ensure that the plants don’t wilt away in the heat. If you’re aware that you live in a typically hot region, then this effort begins even earlier, when you’re planting the seeds. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to protect your plants from the sun. Choose The Right Spot: When planting, put all those plants that require less water with those that need more water. Th...